by Regina Jennings | Jul 24, 2013 | Writing
If I had to choose a favorite of the TV talent shows, it’d be NBC’s “The Voice.” On The Voice four judges sit with their backs turned to the contestants as they perform so the singer’s appearance doesn’t factor into their decision....
by Regina Jennings | Feb 2, 2013 | Silly Stuff, Writing
This year I attended my first writer’s conference as a published author. A special “Published Author” ribbon hung on my name tag and my book was available in the conference bookstore. Heady stuff. Even more exciting was when the lovely Dianne Burnett...
by Regina Jennings | Aug 30, 2012 | Books, Writing
Do you people watch? It’s a favorite hobby of my husband’s. I get a bit nervous, afraid I’m going to get caught looking too closely or eavesdropping. I’d much rather find inspiration watching people who won’t complain – people who...
by Regina Jennings | Aug 16, 2012 | Writing
Writers aren’t treated fairly. Do you want proof? Just compare writing to any other hobby. Do you golf? How many people have seriously asked if you are trying to make the PGA? Perhaps you run to stay in shape. Does anyone question how many dollars an hour...
by Regina Jennings | May 24, 2012 | Books, Publication Story, Sixty Acres and a Bride, Writing
What’s the earliest you’ve ever pre-ordered a book? Would it surprise you to know that most books can be pre-ordered seven months before their release? As the author is still dealing with line edits, blurbs and descriptions are written, the cover finalized...
by Regina Jennings | May 17, 2012 | Books, Publication Story, Sixty Acres and a Bride, Writing
Why did it take a full year to get Sixty Acres and a Bride on the shelves? To see the first steps you can read Part 1. Eye Candy – 9 Months from Release Date After the substantial edits were made and the title chosen, marketing really starts spinning....