Be the First to Welcome Louisa to Oklahoma!

It’s June 11, 1885. Lovely Lola Bell lost her job last night, and is right now checking out the stagecoach times to Fort Reno, Indian Territory. And you want to be there when she arrives! Be the first to Welcome Louisa to Oklahoma!! Holding the Fort Launch Party...
Continuity Issues

Continuity Issues

Let’s say you’re going to make up a story. A grand story. A story that’s going to span centuries with a cast of characters that numbers into the thousands. This story is going to be so big, that it’ll require several authors working with you...
6 Steps to Writing a Letter to a Corporation

6 Steps to Writing a Letter to a Corporation

Many times we hear that a corporation we do business with or a public figure that we admire has done something that is disappointing. Many people mean to write to share their disapproval, but don’t know where to start. Others contact the organization, but their...
History, Romance and Research

History, Romance and Research

Writing historical fiction takes nerve…fake sign-language interpreter nerve. Unless your day job is at Historical Williamsburg chances are you really don’t know how people lived back then. You’ve read a lot of books yourself (mostly written by people...

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