by Regina Jennings | Apr 2, 2020 | Christian Life, Devotions
Do you keep inspirational thoughts around for encouragement? It’s an ancient practice, although the expressions have changed over the years. There used to be a phrase carved into jewelry, clocks, coins and statues to keep people focused on their goals. It was Memento...
by Regina Jennings | Sep 15, 2019 | Books, Oklahoma
Have you heard about the Little Free Libraries? Maybe there’s one near you, and you didn’t know about it. I didn’t know that my town has two, until I looked it up on the map. Sure enough, I found one nearby that’s just as cute as a...
by Regina Jennings | May 6, 2019 | Books, Oklahoma, The Lieutenant's Bargain
Welcome to the Courage Chronicles – a Scavenger Hunt/Blog Hop where you might win 5 marvelous books and one mediocre painting! (Haha!) Here’s the skinny – Follow 5 authors as we collaborate on a painting (from LetsMakeArt) and talk about what courage...
by Regina Jennings | Dec 4, 2018 | Books
Christmas Story set in 19th Century Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Lieutenant Jack’s life is upended when his childhood crush appears in danger on the reservation. Hattie Walker finds herself in debt to the awkward boy she’d ignored in school. When his...
by Regina Jennings | Dec 21, 2017 | Oklahoma
Do you like to see the places you read about? If so, join me for a quick look about historic Fort Reno, the setting of “Holding the Fort” and the rest of the Fort Reno Series. I’ll be going back. What would you like to see more of in...