Sure, you’ve already finished all your Christmas shopping. Everything is waiting in your closet until you get a evening home to wrap the presents. But before you wrap that book up, I’d like to help you make it a even more unique gift.
Can I sign it for you?
While I’d love to fly around like Santa and magically appear at everyone’s house with Sharpie in hand, that won’t be possible, but here’s what I can do: I can mail you a bookplate signed to the friend of your choice. You stick it inside the cover of the book, and Voila! you are suddenly the favorite aunt/niece/sister/daughter around!
How can we make this work?
1. Snap a picture of the receipt showing where you bought your book (Dated in November or December 2014) or a screen shot will work, too, if it was purchased online.
2. Email me at with the picture, the name you’d like the bookplate signed to, and your mailing address.
3. I’ll get the bookplate in the mail to you as soon as possible.
A few rules, here, please. This offer isn’t good on books that were complimentary copies, only purchased copies. U.S. addresses only, and if you bought the book for yourself, who am I to judge? I’ll sign it to you, too!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
I would say I candlelight dinner for two complete with wine, maybe soft music and then maybe a couple massage. I so badly wanna read this book. It sounds amazing and that is very RARE for me to say that because I am one who if I do not get into the book within two chapters, I put it down and don’t read it.