by Regina Jennings | Jun 5, 2019 | Christian Life, Devotions, The Anglo Files
Have you ever felt like everyone was looking at you, and you didn’t know why? That’s what happened to Coy and me in Stratford-upon-Avon. Every day while we were there, we found ourselves stopping along the River Avon at a spot directly across from Holy Trinity Church....
by Regina Jennings | May 6, 2019 | Books, Oklahoma, The Lieutenant's Bargain
Welcome to the Courage Chronicles – a Scavenger Hunt/Blog Hop where you might win 5 marvelous books and one mediocre painting! (Haha!) Here’s the skinny – Follow 5 authors as we collaborate on a painting (from LetsMakeArt) and talk about what courage...
by Regina Jennings | Dec 30, 2018 | The Lieutenant's Bargain
What inspired The Lieutenant’s Bargain? Is there any history behind it? This period in American history is full of conflict and missteps by the U. S. government concerning the Indian tribes. Many policies were long debated, then enforced, then repealed and then...
by Regina Jennings | Dec 4, 2018 | Books
Christmas Story set in 19th Century Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Lieutenant Jack’s life is upended when his childhood crush appears in danger on the reservation. Hattie Walker finds herself in debt to the awkward boy she’d ignored in school. When his...
by Regina Jennings | Sep 7, 2018 | History
British War Widows Will Go to Canada Thousands of British war widows and their children are to be transferred to Canada with the expectation that many women will be married to Canadian farmers, according to plans outlined here today by David Lam of London, commissoner...